Friday, May 31, 2013

Dominique Blondeau

You have to be young to know how to live without nostalgia. Later, it clings to all sorts of feelings: good, some bad. So that is not very healthy. A revival.

the school year ..

A stranger, a friend and a love ... So shared during the school year things it was hard to imagine another way than today. Thousands of words would fail to describe & show the love I bear thee you. In this life where love do suffer disappointment, it is unthinkable to consider happiness like I feel. like a second wind after a long journey through the desert. You know the one? Magnitude of my feelings but today people are entitled to know that the happiness I feel right now, the joy that I? Feel the smile that day? Appears on my face, all that c 'is thanks to you.

The rich and the poor

The rich and the poor! Poor balance of humanity ... The man makes his poor to justify and show off his wealth ... If the man was sensible and worthy of good feelings, sociable, generous and understanding, a long time ago that we would more misery, and Third World ... Jealousy and loot are the dominance and power ... Queen ants manages its nest as the man manages the world ... Are we sure that we evolved from apes?

San antonio

I think the dumbest, most bitch of good women is not as dumb as a man. Bullshit, the real shit, the shit shiny, super stupid, this is the man.


Nostalgic! Rodin's Thinker ... I'm in a passion into a profession, sometimes in humor but happiness.

We often underestimate ...

We often underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or less attention, and they all have the power to change a life.

The humor

The humor is a bullshit when we laugh. Bullshit is when you feel concerned by this humor!